Solid Wood Furniture Manufacturers Online
Solid Wood Furniture Manufacturers Online Store. Solid wood is wood that is processed directly. This type of wood is quite popular because it has high durability and durability. we are a company engaged in manufacturing furniture. If you need a lot of furniture models we can make it. We have 6 support factories to produce furniture orders from various countries. And we are used to exporting furniture items. You can contact us for more information about Teak Wooden Furniture products. If you have your own furniture design that will be made we can make it according to your order. Indonesia Teak Wood Furniture also accepts furniture projects. contact us for more information.
This type of wood can last for more than 15 years, of course depending on the weather and maintenance conditions. Moreover, solid wood also has a high resistance to water as long as it is not submerged for months in water.
This type of wood is also a good choice for furniture because its quality can be measured with a variety of colors and choices. In architecture, solid wood can give a warm impression to a room and is easily processed with a variety of designs.
Even so, this type of wood also has some disadvantages. Things like exposure to sunlight, high temperatures, and humidity levels also affect the quality of furniture.
Furthermore, solid wood is divided into several types such as:
1. Mahogany wood
This type of wood has a pink color in the middle part. Not only pink, but there is also wood that is dark red, while the edges of the wood are white.
Despite having qualified quality, but do not be placed directly and in contact with the ground. This is because it is feared that moisture and termites can damage the wood.
2. Teak wood
Teak is a favorite material because it has an oil coating that makes it waterproof. In addition, wood can shine brighter if left for a long time outdoors.
Another advantage is a fairly high level of softness. This makes wood easily carved. Although soft, the fiber contained in it is thick enough to be resistant to impact. furniture made of teak wood is very preferred furniture. The results of finishing from Teak wood furniture is shinier than other types of wood. You can place an order or ask questions about our products via the live chat below.
3. Sungkai wood
This type of material is often used to make furniture in the room because it has a bright color. In addition, the style of wood is unique from the color yellow and light brown.
The combination provides a fresh and bright atmosphere in the room. In production, Sungkai wood can be processed into veneers with colors and patterns that are in great demand by the market. Just like mahogany, this material is not suitable when placed outdoors except with special processing.
4. Pinewood
This wood has a characteristic bright color with fine fibers. In addition, pine is also relatively soft to be processed so it makes it popular as a material for making room furniture. However, it is not recommended to use it in a humid place because of the risk of fungal and termite attack.
5. Bamboo wood
Bamboo is one of the most popular building materials and furniture, especially in Indonesia. Bamboo wood has a strength that is strong enough, lightweight. Other benefits are high bamboo elasticity and are environmentally friendly.
However, this type of wood has disadvantages, which is quite difficult to process. Moreover, wood made from bamboo has a connection with details that are quite complicated so it requires special technical when processing. Furniture with this material should be kept away from humid places.
In addition, do not forget to routinely apply finishing on the surface of the wood so that it can keep it away from insects and mold.
6. Oakwood
This type of wood has good bend quality, is durable, and is waterproof. Of the various other types of wood, oak is quite popular because it has an attractive color. In addition, the ray flake pattern on the wood veins makes this material more artistic.
The use itself is more suitable outdoors because it is waterproof. Furthermore, in treatment, avoid hard pressure or impact. This wood is available in two types, namely red oak and white oak.
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